Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

June 20, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Amended and Approved June 27, 2005.


Committee Members: Craig Edwards, Melissa Mills, Marcia Liebman, Jim Goldsmith, Joel Tran, Marilyn Kahn, Michael Baskin, David Gordon.


Guests: Wayne Bradley, Paul Laurestein.


Meeting called to order 7:46pm by Jim Goldsmith.


Liebman/Goldsmith moved to amend motion on June 6, 2005 to hire Stacey Sullivan as secretary to read as “acting secretary” unanimously approved.


Minutes for June 6, 2005 tabled until next meeting.


Reese Schroeder has resigned from the committee.


Liebman voted for Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype Inc. This brings the vote to BH & A -4, SEA –0, Koff & Associates—5. The voting was closed and

Liebman/Goldsmith move to hire Koff & Associates to be design consultants for RFP; unanimously approved.


Jim Goldsmith recommended requesting the planner (Koff) explore possible development scenarios for the RFP:  

            All residential?

            What are the elements?

            Utilization that will work as a gateway point to the center?


Michael Baskin suggested Koff develop criteria reflecting the Town’s interests in the redevelopment of the property. The planning criteria should then be provided to the RFP consultant for inclusion in the developer RFP to provide insight to the Town’s objectives and to serve as part of the evaluative criteria to be used for the ranking of proposals.  Baskin noted that this is generally outlined in the RFP prepared for the selection of the planning consultant.


It was noted that Stephen Crane (at June 6th meeting) concerned about the RFP offering enough financial incentive to generate developer response.  He suggested more definition was needed in the RFP to identify what the community is interested in and what constraints there may be on the utilization of the property.


A minimum of three prospective candidates are needed for a proper selection procedure for the RFP consultant.  Two additional applicants are needed.


It was determined to create a 3 member task group to work with Koff & Associates and act as intermediaries between the full committee and the consultants.  Goldsmith/Mills nominated Tran, Baskin, and Gordon to comprise the subcommittee is task group; unanimously approved. Goldsmith will look into open meeting laws to clarify rules.


It was decided that at this time there is no need for a financial consultant for the project, this issue was tabled.


Gordon suggested that at some point it would be helpful to address the Town and present the different scenarios and the revenues generated and the cost in taxes.


Liebman reported that those present at the June 6th Board of Health-held meeting about the Wilber property strongly supported the “premise that the Wilber property can probably only handle waste water as generated by whatever is put on that piece of land and that the Town should look elsewhere for waste water solutions for the town center.”  It was also decided that the Town should not try to “overload” waste water treatment onto the Wilber property; property should be “treated gently so as not to affect the wells below it”. Statements made by Selectman Joe Roach and supported by Selectmen Grasfield and all others at the meeting, with the exception of DPW Dept. Head Eric Hooper.


Liebman also reported that Hooper stated at the June 6th BOH meeting that the CHAPA grant results will probably not be ready until the end of the summer. Perk tests were scheduled to start at the Wilber site on Tuesday, June 14th.


Loosely proposed deadline for the design consultant to be done by September 15th 2005, and the RFP to be done by October 15, 2005.



Tran/Mills moved to adjourn at 8:46 pm; unanimously approved.



Respectfully submitted,



Stacey Sullivan
